In our catalog we have brands such as: Alcor, Alesamonti, Arno, Arno Nomo, Auerbach, Benazzato, Breton, Bridgeport, Burkhardt & Weber, C.b. Ferrari, Caser, Cb Ferrari, Cernotto, Cme, Colgar, Correa, Dart, De Tomasi, Deber, Deckel, Droop & Rein, Famu Gruppo Parpas, Famu Parpas, Fidia, Fil, First, Fpt, Fritz Werner, Ge-mi, Globe, Goglio, Grazioli, Gualdoni, Induma, Inglese, Jobs, Kondia, Lagun, Landonio, Lazzati, Ltf, M. Carnaghi, Maho, Mandelli, Maut, Mazak, Mecof, Mexim, Mikron, Milko, Momac, Monti, Mte, Nomo, Nomo Arno, Novar, Obrabeci Olomouc, Oerlikon, Om Lario, Om Rovera, Omv, Omv - Famu, Omv-parpas, Orav, Parpas, Pensotti, Pietro Carnaghi, Pietrocarnaghi, Power Matic, Promac, Rambaudi, Rambaudi-sachman, Rema Control, Remac, Riva, Rivolta, Sachman, Sachman-rambaudi, Sachman/jobs, Secmu, Secmu-fas, Stanitialiana, Stanko, Sts, Sts-secmu, Supermax, Tecmu, Tiger, Titan, Tos, Tos Kurim, Tos-kurim, Utita, Waldrich Siegen, Wanderer, Wmw Heckert, Yafo, Zayer.
Code |
Brand |
Model |
Features |
| 003FRSca | Sachman | Trt 10 Hs | - T type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 4045 PD
- head: .
- connection : HSKA 100
- head index angle: +/- 100° continuo / continuous
- table: rotante continua / rotary continuous 1200 x 1000mm
- table payload: 7000 kg
- longit. stroke(table): 2000 mm
- transv. stroke(Upright: 1075 mm
- vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 25 m/min
- changing tools: 30 posti / 30 places
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: SELBOX
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2005
- notes: RENISHAW - NC3
- 2 - notes: Testa automatica refrigerazione interna
- 3 - notes: Raffreddamento sistema ad alta pressione
| 005FRSca | C.b. Ferrari | D 21 | - portal: .
- CNC: ELEXA 550
- head: autom. cont. +/- 90°
- connection : madrino / spindle ISO 40
- motor power: 30 Kw (85 Nm)
- table: 1630x650 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 1600 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 630 mm
- changing tools: 30 posti / 30 positions
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 1999
- wheight: 13000 kg
- notes: tavola girevole annegata contin. diam.100 mm
- 2 - notes: continuous rotary table diam. 100 mm
| 006FRSca | C.b. Ferrari | D 21 (2001) | - portal: .
- CNC: ELEXA 550
- head: autom. cont. +/- 90°
- connection : madrino / spindle ISO 40
- motor power: 30 Kw (85 Nm)
- table: 1630 x 650 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 1600 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 630 mm
- changing tools: 30 posti / 30 positions
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2001
- wheight: 13000 kg
- notes: tavola girevole annegata continua diam. 100 mm
- 2 - notes: rotary continuous table diam. 100 mm
| 008FRSca | Sts | Avantgarde | - T type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 4045 PD (doppia postazione)
- head: .
- connection : HSKA 100
- head index angle: continuo su 2 assi
- table: 3200 x 1200 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 3000 mm
- transv. stroke(Upright: 2000 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 24 posti
- control device: .
- encasing: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2007
| 009FRSca | Sachman-rambaudi | Ramfast Rf 105 | - portal: .
- head: .
- connection : HSK-A63 (DIN 69893)
- head index angle: +/- 105°
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 40 kw
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- table: rotante continua 1200 x 1200 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 2000 mm (+500 mm per cambio utensili)
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 900 mm
- sliding type: avanzamenti 45 m/min
- changing tools: 24 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2005
- wheight: 26000 kg, ingombri 5300 x 7000 x H 4300 mm
- notes: motori e azionamenti SIEMENS
- 2 - notes: BLUM per utensile + RENISHAW per pezzo
- 3 - notes: alta pressione 20 bar + filtro a carta
- 4 - notes: aspiratore fumi
| 010FRSca | Rambaudi-sachman | Mp 212 Hs (5 Assi) | - mobile upright: .
- CNC: FIDIA C20 (motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS)
- head: 5 assi tipo GLOBE
- connection : HSKA 100 DIN 69893
- head index angle: continuo
- motor power: 30 Kw (85 Nm)
- table: fissa 5000x1500 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 4000 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 2500 mm (doppia vite)
- sliding type: rapidi 30 m/min
- changing tools: 60 posti diam. 125 x 300 mm
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2007/2008
- notes: RENISHAW RPM60, tastatore FIDIA KSMT
- 2 - notes: laser RENISHAW NC4TX
- 3 - notes: mandrino OMLAT di ricambio
- 4 - notes: alta pressione con filtraggio
| 011FRSca | Promac | Zephyr Vtt 3.0 | - portal: con doppio RAM
- CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530 (2 postazioni)
- head: mod. 4WDP, 5 assi, birotativa su RAM destro
- connection : HSKA 63
- head index angle: 0,001 su 2 assi
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 30 Kw (85 Nm)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- front spindle: mod. TV, fisso su RAM sinistro
- front spindle connect.: HSKA 100
- front spindle speed: 6000 rpm
- frontal sp.motor power: 55,5 Kw (830 Nm)
- table: 3000 x 2000 mm (corsa 3500 mm)
- table payload: 25 ton
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 2700 mm (distanza tra le colonne 2800 mm)
- vertical stroke: 1200 mm (RAM dx e sx)
- sliding type: 30 m/min
- changing tools: 40 posti x HSKA 63, 20 posti per HSKA 100
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: doppio
- built in: 2007
- wheight: 57000 kg
- notes: alta pressione con filtraggio
- 2 - notes: laser per ogni RAM
| 012FRSca | Mazak | Integrex E-1060 V/8 | - portal: .
- head: tilting (-30° / + 120°)
- connection : ISO 50 BIG PLUS
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 10.000 rpm
- motor power: 45 / 37/ 30 Kw (totale 108/ 93 Kw)
- spindle speed: 10.000 rpm
- cooling through spindle: alta pressione
- table: 800 x 800 mm con tornitura ( 500 rpm)
- table index angle: continuo
- longit. stroke(table): 1060 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1875 mm
- vertical stroke: 1345 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 160 posti (diam. 135 x 500 mm 30 kg)
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- wheight: 38000 kg
- notes: sistema doppio pallet+navetta 8 pallet
- 2 - notes: presetting RENISHAW RMP 10
| 013FRSca | Famu Gruppo Parpas | Phs916 Tt90 | - portal: dist. tra le colonne 920 mm
- head: automatica
- connection : HSK-63A
- head index angle: + 45° / -90° continua
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 30 Kw (42 Nm)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- cooling through spindle: .
- table: 1720x850 mm (2000 Kg)
- table index angle: con motore torque per tavola annegata diam. 900 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 1600 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm (luce - 155 / + 645 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 30 m/min
- changing tools: 24 posti (diam. 63 x 180 mm 3 kg)
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2007
- wheight: 11000 kg
- notes: ingombri 2770 x 4120 x 2810 (H) mm
- 2 - notes: presetting tipo BLUM
| 014FRSca | Fpt | Stinger | - portal: dist. tra le spalle 1430 mm
- head: automatica continua
- connection : HSKA 63
- head index angle: continuo
- motor power: 26/18,5 Kw
- cooling through spindle: .
- table: girevole 1200 x 1000 mm
- table index angle: continuo (portata 5 ton)
- longit. stroke(table): 1750 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 600 mm (luce 205 - 805 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 35 m/min
- changing tools: 60 utensili
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2004
- notes: dimensioni 6000 x 4000 x 3850 (H) mm
| 015FRSca | Jobs | Linx Blitz | - portal: tipo gantry, dist. tra le spalle 3010 mm
- head: continua
- connection : HSKA 63
- head index angle: +/- 200 asse C, +90/-120 asse A
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 29 Kw (42 Nm)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- table: fissa 2830 x 2680 x 300 mm (5000 kg/mq)
- longit. stroke(table): 2600 mm (gantry asse X)
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 2200 mm
- vertical stroke: 900 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 70 m/min (accelerazioni 7 m/sec)
- sliding type: motori lineari
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- built in: 2006
- wheight: 23000 kg
- notes: nuovo mandrino supplementare in dotazione
| 016FRSca | Breton | Matrix 130 K30/2t | - portal: Gantry
- head: 5 assi continua
- connection : HSK 63A
- head index angle: 0,001° + 0,001°
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 20 Kw (38 Nm)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- cooling through spindle: spray mist Bar
- table: 3500 x 3500 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 3900 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 3000 mm
- vertical stroke: 1300 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 30 m/min
- changing tools: 30 pos.
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- built in: 2004
- wheight: 45.000 kg
- notes: ingombri 5600x7400x5050 mm
- 2 - notes: laser BLUM per utensili
- 3 - notes: secondo elettromandrino FISHER di scorta
| 017FRSca | Mecof | Prima | - portal: GANTRY
- head: millesimale sui 2 assi
- connection : HSK 63-E
- head index angle: 0,001 + 0,001
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 30 Kw (80-100 Nm)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- cooling through spindle: .
- table: fissa 1800x1500 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 1400 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1650 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 (sezione RAM 400x400 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 100 m/min
- changing tools: 24 posti (diam. 80x300 mm 7 Kg)
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: doppio a coclea
- built in: 2004
| 018FRSca | Breton | Nc800 2t | - portal: gantry
- CNC: SELCA 4045 PD
- head: 5 assi (+/- 195° asse C) (+/- 95° asse A)
- connection : HSKA 63
- head index angle: continuo
- motor power: 20 kw (38 Nm)
- table: 2000 x 2000 mm statica
- longit. stroke(upright): 1600 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm luce (1000 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 14 posti + presetting utensili
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2001
- wheight: 18.000 kg
- notes: vasca 700 litri
- 2 - notes: ingombri 4600 x 3200 x 4300 (h) mm
- 3 - notes: righe ottiche Heidenhain
| 019FRSca | Parpas | Omnia 43 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: TW22 5 assi
- connection : ISO 50
- head index angle: asse A 0,001 (+/- 105°) asse C 0,001 (360°)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 22 Kw (190 Nm)
- head 2: TWE16 5 assi twist
- connection 2: HSKA63
- head 2 index angle : asse A 0,001 (+/- 105°) asse C 0,001 (+/- 360°)
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- 2nd head motor power: 16 Kw
- table: 5000 x 2500 mm fissa
- longit. stroke(table): 4000 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 3000 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm (luce 2030 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 24 mm/min
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2004
- notes: pickup teste automatico
| 020FRSca | Cb Ferrari | D21 | - portal: .
- CNC: ELEXA 550
- head: automatica asse A +/- 90°
- connection : ISO 40
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 16000 RPM
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 26/36 kw
- spindle speed: 16000 RPM
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- table: 2000 x 1000 mm (banchina)
- longit. stroke(table): 1600 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 630 mm
- changing tools: 30 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 1999
- wheight: 13.000 kg
- notes: tavola girevole continua "annegata" diam. 1000 mm
- 2 - notes: refrigerazione interna 10 BAR
- 3 - notes: aspirazione fumi
- 4 - notes: ingombri 6510 x 5580 x 3950 (h) mm
| 021FRSca | Parpas | Omnia 42 | - portal: gantry (dist. colonne 3200 mm)
- CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- head: TWE16
- connection : HSK 63
- head index angle: asse A 0,001 (+/- 105°) asse C 0,001 (+/- 360°)
- spindle speed: 16000 RPM
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 16 kw
- head 2: TU 600
- connection 2: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 16000 RPM
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- 2nd head motor power: 22 kw
- table: 5000 x 2000 mm fissa
- longit. stroke(table): 4000 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 2500 mm
- vertical stroke: 1250 mm (luce 1400 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 20 mm/min
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2000
- notes: pickup teste automatico
| 022FRSca | Fidia | K197 | - mobile upright: .
- head: 5 assi continuo
- connection : HSKA63
- head index angle: +95°/-110°asse A
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 27/32 Kw
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- table: fissa 2000 x 1250 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 1650 + 150 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 750 + 150 mm (luce min 465 mm)
- vertical stroke: 700 mm (luce max 912)
- rapid feed-rates: 30 m/min
- changing tools: 20 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2002
- wheight: 21.500 kg
- notes: ingombri 4000 x 3900 x 3940 mm
- 2 - notes: alta pressione 50 BAR
- 3 - notes: aspirazione fumi
| 023FRSca | Jobs | Linx Compact 5 Assi | - portal: GANTRY
- head: twist mod. T2K
- connection : HSKA63
- head index angle: asse A +100°/-90° - asse C +/- 200°
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- motor power: 40 kw
- spindle speed: 18.000 RPM
- table: statica 4000x2500x3050 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 2200 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 3200 mm
- vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 50 mm/min (4 m/S2)
- sliding type: motori lineari
- changing tools: 20 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- built in: 2002
- notes: ingombri 5230 x 1740 x 4300 (h) mm
- 2 - notes: testa revisionata nel 2019
- 3 - notes: potenza tot 180 kva
| 024FRSca | Rema Control | Leonard 5000 | - mobile upright: pendolare
- head: ortogonale (2 assi)
- connection : HSKA 63
- head index angle: 360° e - 15° + 120°
- motor power: 24 kw
- cooling through spindle: 30 bar
- table: 5300 x 820 mm
- table index angle: nr. 2 tavole diam. 600 mm continue orizz./vert.
- longit. stroke(upright): 5000 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 1000 mm
- vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- rapid feed-rates: X - Y - Z = 36 - 50 - 50 m/min.
- changing tools: 40 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: completa
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2008
- wheight: 19.000 kg
- notes: nr. 1 contropunta per tavola verticale
- 2 - notes: sonda MARPOS mod. E86
| 025FRSca | Cb Ferrari | B18 | - mobile upright: .
- head: automatica
- connection : ISO40
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 10/18.000 rpm
- motor power: 24 kw
- spindle speed: 10/18.000 rpm
- table: fissa 2320 x 450 mm
- table index angle: girevole diam. 750 mm continua
- longit. stroke(upright): 1400 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 520 mm
- vertical stroke: 420 mm
- changing tools: 30 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- built in: 2000
- wheight: 9000 kg
| 026FRSca | Fpt | Dino | - portal: .
- head: birotativa automatica continua (mod. TULCE)
- connection : HSKA 63
- head index angle: 0,001 + 0,001
- motor power: 20 kw
- cooling through spindle: 20 bar
- table: 3000 x 1200 mm (8000 kg)
- longit. stroke(table): 2800 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 2200 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 35 m/min
- changing tools: 40 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2003
- wheight: 41.300 kg
- notes: cambio teste autom. con pickup
- 2 - notes: testa ver. (10.000 RPM, 44Kw)
- 3 - notes: tot. potenza installa 63,2 Kw
| 027FRSca | Promac | Zephyr Vt 2.0 | - portal: si
- head: 5 assi continua (4 WDP)
- connection : HSKA63A
- head index angle: 360.000x0,001° (asse C) e +/- 100°x0,001° (asse A)
- spindle speed: 20.000 rpm
- motor power: 40 KW
- spindle speed: 20.000 rpm
- table: 2000X1200 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 2000 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 32 posti
- control device: si
- electronic handwheel: si
- encasing: si
- safety protection: si
- chip conveyor: si
- built in: 2008
- wheight: 22.000kg
- notes: ingombri 6550x4800x4900 mm
| 028FRSca | Fpt | Dino | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa 5 assi
- connection : HSK63
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- motor power: 20 kW
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- cooling through spindle: 20 bar
- table: 3000 x 1200 mm (8000 kg)
- longit. stroke(table): 2800 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 2200 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 40 posti
- control device: si
- electronic handwheel: si
- encasing: si
- safety protection: si
- chip conveyor: si
- built in: 2001
- notes: II testa verticale HSK100 40 kW
- 2 - notes: magazzino teste automatico
| 029FRSca | Parpas | Omnia 53 | - portal: Gantry
- CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- head: birotativa
- connection : HSKA-50
- head index angle: asse C continuo- asse A index. 2,5°
- spindle speed: 16.000 rpm
- motor power: 22 kW
- head 2: twist 5 assi continua
- connection 2: HSKA-63
- head 2 index angle : asse C - asse A +/-105°
- spindle speed: 16.000 rpm
- 2nd head motor power: 16 kW
- front spindle: verticale
- front spindle connect.: HSKA-50
- table: fissa 6000 x 2500 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 5000 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 3000 mm (luce 3700 mm)
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm (luce 1650 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 20 m/min
- sliding type: guide lineari
- changing tools: 40 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- notes: ingombri 6200 x 6000 x 3100 mm
- 2 - notes: tastatore pezzo e presetting utensile
- 3 - notes: magazzino teste 3 posizioni
| 030FRSca | Mecof | Prima 1.3 | - portal: tipo gantry
- head: tipo TWIN MG1
- connection : HSK63E
- head index angle: asse A e asse C 360.000 posizioni
- motor power: 24/30 Kw (80/100 Nm)
- front spindle: musetto verticale
- front spindle connect.: HSK63E
- cooling through spindle: 15 bar
- front spindle speed: 500/18.000 rpm
- table: statica 1800x1500 mm
- longit. stroke(upright): 1650 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 100 m/min
- sliding type: motori lineari
- changing tools: 24 posti, diam. 80x300 mm, 30 Kg
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2003
- notes: laser per misura utensile
- 2 - notes: sezione RAM 400x400 mm
- 3 - notes: magazzino automatico per nr. 02 teste
| 032FRSca | Fpt | Dino | - portal: .
- head: birotativa 5 assi
- connection : HSKA63
- head index angle: continuo (0,001°+0,001°)
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- motor power: 20 kW
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- cooling through spindle: 20 bar
- table: 3000x1200 mm (8000 Kg)
- longit. stroke(table): 2800 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 2200 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 40 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2003
- wheight: 41.000 Kg
- notes: seconda testa verticale HSKA63 18.000 rpm
- 2 - notes: pickup automatico per teste
| 033FRSca | Fpt | Dino | - portal: .
- head: birotativa millesimale
- connection : HSKA63
- head index angle: 0,001°+ 0,001°
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- motor power: 20 kW
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- front spindle: 2° testa verticale
- front spindle connect.: HSKA63 (18.000 rpm)
- cooling through spindle: alta pressione
- table: 2500x1200 mm
- longit. stroke(table): 2300 / 2800 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 800 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 40 m/min
- changing tools: 72 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2001
- notes: magazzino teste automatico
| 034FRSca | Famu Parpas | Phs 912p | - portal: tra i montanti 920 mm
- CNC: SELCA 4045 PD
- head: 5 assi
- connection : HSKA50
- head index angle: continuo
- motor power: 15 kW
- table: 1320 x 800 mm (portata 2000 Kg)
- longit. stroke(table): 1200 mm
- transv. stroke (RAM): 1200 mm
- vertical stroke: 600 mm (luce 785 mm)
- rapid feed-rates: 30 m/min
- changing tools: 20 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: .
- safety protection: .
- built in: marcatura CE
- wheight: 9700 kg
- notes: motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS
- 2 - notes: ingombri 3600x5200x3350(h) mm
| 035FRSca | Fpt | Stinger | - portal: distanza tra i montanti 1430 mm
- head: mod. TULCE
- connection : HSKA63
- head index angle: 0,001
- motor power: 18/22 kW (101 Nm)
- cooling through spindle: 60 bar
- frontal sp.motor power: girevole 1200x1000 mm (5 ton)
- table: 0,001
- table index angle: 1750 mm
- transv.stroke(crossbar): 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 600 mm
- rapid feed-rates: 35 m/min
- changing tools: 30 posti
- control device: .
- electronic handwheel: .
- encasing: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- built in: 2004
- wheight: 21 ton
- notes: presetting laser MARPOSS
- 2 - notes: potenza totale installata 67 kW
Code |
Brand |
Model |
Features |
| 001FRSbf | Sachman | Rp3 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 355
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2000 giri/min
- Table: 730 X 2700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2600 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 920 mm
- Vertical stroke: 720-750 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- Notes: righe ottiche HEIDENHAIN
| 006FRSbf | Rambaudi | Rx 1250 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: verticale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- Motor power: 31,5 kW
- Table: 1250 X 3500 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1250 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Control device: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- Notes: potenza motore avanzamenti 7 kW
| 012FRSbf | Rambaudi | Versamatic 750 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: verticale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50 con aggancio idraulico
- Spindle speed: 50/2000 rpm
- Motor power: 15 Kw
- Table: 2200x750 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2200 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Changing Tools: a rastreliera sulla tavola
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: doppio portellone scorrevole
- New In: 1995
| 014FRSbf | Sachman | 1800 | - Displayed: LOGAN 3 assi
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 40
- Table: 1800 x 560 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 650 mm
- Control device: .
| 018FRSbf | Power Matic | Power Matic | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: verticale orientabile con aggancio automatico
- Connection: ISO 40
- Spindle speed: 2800 rpm
- Motor power: 10,8 Kw
- Ball Screws: .
- Table: 500 X 1500 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1200 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 550 mm
- Vertical stroke: 550 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: doppio portellone scorrevole
| 019FRSbf | Novar | Kbf | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 151
- Head: automatica birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- Table: 2500 X 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2100 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 900 mm
- Control device: .
| 020FRSbf | Omv-parpas | Fas 3 | - CNC: ECS 1400D
- Head: verticale e orizzontale
- Connection: ISO 40
- Spindle speed: da 55 a 3600 rpm
- SpindleStrokeForDrill: .
- Table: 1400 X 420 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: del montante 900 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 550 mm
- Vertical stroke: 500 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Weight: 5000 Kg
- Notes: macchina revisionata completamente con CNC nuovo
- 2Notes: tavola rotobasculante asportabile
| 022FRSbf | Rambaudi | Versamatic 500 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 355
- Head: orientabile 1 asse
- Connection: ISO 40
- SpindleStrokeForDrill: .
- Frontal spindle: togliendo la testa
- Table: 1200 X 550 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1000 mm (montante mobile)
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- Vertical stroke: 600 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Chip conveyor: .
- Notes: montante mobile
| 031FRSbf | Nomo Arno | Fbf 1204 Mcc | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 155
- Head: verticale
- Connection: ISO 40 idraulico
- Head index angle: +- 90°
- Spindle speed: 2250 giri/min
- Motor power: 7 Kw con cambio gamma automatico
- SpindleStrokeForDrill: .
- Table: 1400 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1200 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical stroke: 850 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
| 043FRSbf | Tiger | Tfa6 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: verticale orientabile
- Connection: ISO 50
- Table: 2050 X 740 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1600 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 750 mm
- Vertical stroke: 900 mm
- Control device: .
- Protections: .
| 051FRSbf | Correa | A 25/40 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 355
- Head: bimandrino automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 4 posizioni automatiche
- Spindle speed: 2000 (250) rpm
- Motor power: 25 (30) kw
- Table: 4500 X 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Control device: .
- Weight: 15.800 kg
- Notes: peso ammesso sulla tavola: 7.000 kg
| 052FRSbf | Novar | Kbf | - CNC: SELCA 1100 V
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 10-2000 rpm
- Motor power: 22 Kw
- D.C. Motors: .
- Ball Screws: .
- Table: 2530 X 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2100 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
| 057FRSbf | Rambaudi | Rx 1000 | - T Type upright: .
- Spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- Motor power: 30 Kw
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Table: 2500 X 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- Notes: n. 2 teste in dotazione
| 058FRSbf | Wanderer | Bf | - Displayed: .
- Head: verticale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 1800 mm
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Frontal spindle speed: 1800 rpm
- Table: 2000 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 600 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
| 060FRSbf | Nomo Arno | Fbf.2000 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa manuale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- Motor power: 11 kw
- Table: 2200 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 1997/1998
- Weight: 10.200 kg
| 064FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 5 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 155
- Head: birotativa manuale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 0 - 2200 rpm
- Motor power: 30 HP
- Table: 700 X 3000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Weight: 14.500 Kg
| 071FRSbf | Landonio | Mec 30/3 | - CNC: SELCA S3045D
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 3500 rpm
- Motor power: 20 kW
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Table: 3195 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1600 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 1999
| 074FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 4 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 125
- Head: universale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 28 - 1400 rpm
- Motor power: 25 HP
- Table: 2500 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Weight: 11.500 Kg
| 076FRSbf | Tos-kurim | Fs 80 G | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 410 M
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 20 kW
- Table: 2000 X 800 mm (altezza da terra 500 mm)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 900 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Weight: 8500 Kg
| 079FRSbf | Correa | Cf 17 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 360
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 20 - 2750 RPM
- Motor power: 17 KW
- D.C. Motors: .
- Table: 700 X 2000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1800 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 800 mm
- Control device: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 1998
- Weight: 8500 KG
- : .
| 086FRSbf | Auerbach | Fbe 2000 | - CNC: SELCA S3045
- Head: manuale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 3500 rpm
- Motor power: 22 Kw
- Table: 2100 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Protections: .
- New In: 1996
| 089FRSbf | Parpas | Hp 90 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 22 kw
- Table: 2700 x 825 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 1998
- Weight: 17000 kg
| 090FRSbf | Sachman | T 314 Hs | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- Head: birotativa automatica / rotary automatic
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 3°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 30 Kw
- Table: 3200 x 1100 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1500 mm (utile 1200 mm)
- Vertical stroke: 1600 mm
- Changing Tools: 24 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
- Notes: rapidi 20 m/min
- 2Notes: distanza utile naso mandrino-colonna 1250 mm
- 3notes: elettromandrino per fresatura
| 091FRSbf | Fil | Fs 160 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: universale manuale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Table: 650 X 1950 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1600 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
| 092FRSbf | Fil | Fbt 300 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: ECS 4801
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- Motor power: 18 Kw (S6)
- Table: 3500 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Control device: .
| 093FRSbf | Omv-parpas | Bpf 4 -2000 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: automatica verticale/orizzontale
- Connection: ISO 40
- Spindle speed: 4500 rpm su 2 gamme automatiche
- Table: 2000 x 600 mm (fissa)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- Vertical stroke: 600 mm
- Changing Tools: 20 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
| 095FRSbf | Globe | U 3100 | - CNC: SELCA S 3040
- Head: universale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 10-2500 rpm
- Motor power: 22 kW + cambio gamma
- Table: 3600 x 900 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3100 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1050 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
| 098FRSbf | Sachman | T10 Hs | - T Type upright: .
- Head: autmatica birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 3°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 17/25 kW
- Table: 3200 x 710 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1075 mm
- Vertical stroke: 900 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 utensili a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
- Weight: 19.800 kg
- Notes: carenatura
- 2Notes: refrigerante interno ed esterno
- 3notes: rapidi 25 m/min
- 4notes: macchina revisionata
| 099FRSbf | Omv | Bpf 3 - 2100 | - CNC: AZ 101
- Head: automatica
- Connection: ISO 40
- Head index angle: +/- 355°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm su due gamme automatiche
- Motor power: 22 kW
- Table: 3050 x 815 mm fissa
- Longitudinal stroke: 2100 mm (montante mobile)
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical stroke: 550 mm (luce/light 230 - 780 mm)
- Changing Tools: 24 utensili con tastatore/24 tools with probe
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 1996
- Weight: 9500 kg
- Notes: tavola divisore/divisor table NIKKEN mod. GNG 200
- 2Notes: tavola girevole/rotary table TGC60 CNC 800x800 mm
- 3notes: aspiratore fumi/fume extractor
- 4notes: depuratore a tessuto/fabric filter
| 100FRSbf | Rivolta | Fbf 1800 | - Displayed: .
- Head: birotativa manuale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 1100 rpm
- Frontal spindle: sotto la testa
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Frontal spindle speed: 1100 rpm
- Table: 800 x 2050 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1800 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1100 mm
- Control device: .
| 101FRSbf | Omv | Fas 3 | |
| 102FRSbf | Novar | Partner Kba | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 407
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 40
- Head index angle: aut. verticale/orizzontale
- Spindle speed: 3000 rpm cambio gamma autom.
- Table: 1500 x 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1200 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical stroke: 800 mm
- Changing Tools: 30 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: doppio portellone scorrevole
- Notes: potenza tot. 25 kW
| 103FRSbf | Novar | Partner | |
| 104FRSbf | Mte | Bf 3200 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 3000 rpm circa
- Table: 3200 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 2002
- Weight: 16500 kg circa
- Notes: avanzamenti rapidi 10 m/min
- 2Notes: motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS
| 105FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 60 | - CNC: SELCA
- Head: automatica vert. / orizz.
- Table: 1930 X 620 mm
- Notes: corse: 1600 x 750 x 1050 (h) mm
| 106FRSbf | Rambaudi | Rx 1000 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 80-3000 rpm
- Motor power: 22 kW + cambio gamma
- Frontal spindle: togliendo la testa
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Table: 3500 x 1000 mm (portata 12 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 550 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: CE 1999
- Weight: 22500 kg
- Notes: ingombri 7200 x 5200 x 4100 (h) mm
| 107FRSbf | Sachman | T22 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 3°
- Spindle speed: 4000rpm
- Motor power: 28/35 kW
- Table: 4200 x 1100 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 4000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1500 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1600 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 12m/min
- Changing Tools: 60 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: doppio portellone
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
- Weight: 29400 kg
- Notes: aspirazione fumi
- 2Notes: ingombri: 12300 x 6000x 4700 mm (H)
- 3notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
| 108FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 5 Sl | - CNC: SELCA 4045
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- Table: 3000 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Changing Tools: a catena 30 posti
- Control device: .
- Notes: revisionata / overhauled
| 109FRSbf | Rambaudi | Rx 1000 - Vrm 157 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: conitnuo (ASSE A), 181° (ASSE C)
- Spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- Motor power: 22,8 kW (1079 Nm)
- Table: 3500 x 1000 mm (8000 kg)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1700 mm (luce 1900 mm)
- Control device: .
- Notes: rapidi 8000 mm/min
| 112FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 100 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 355
- Head: birotativa manuale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2000 giri/min
- Motor power: 37 kW
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Frontal spindle speed: 2000 giri/min
- Table: 3400 x 1000 mm (portata 7 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Control device: .
- Weight: 23000 kg
| 113FRSbf | Cb Ferrari | B17 (con Montante Mobile) | - CNC: ELEXA E16
- Head: verticale
- Connection: ISO 40
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm su 2 gamme autom.
- Motor power: 9 Kw (450 Nm)
- Table: 1900 x 450 mm fissa
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical stroke: 600 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Weight: 7800 Kg
- Notes: sovratavola 1500 x 560 x 400 (h) mm
| 114FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 90 Hp | - CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50 (diam. mandrino cuscinetto ant. 85mm)
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 22 kW
- Table: 2900 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 15 m/min
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 2001
- Weight: appros. 15 ton
- Notes: elettromandrino in dotazione
- 2Notes: utensileria in dotazione
| 116FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 935 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 27 Kw
- Table: 3000 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Changing Tools: 30 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 1999
- Notes: rapidi 12m/min
- 2Notes: nr. 2 tavole CNC 4° asse
| 117FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 90 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 33/22 Kw
- Table: 2400 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 10000 mm/min
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- New In: 1997
| 118FRSbf | Zayer | 30 Kfu 4000 Ar | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 0,001° + 0,001°
- Spindle speed: 35 - 6000 rpm
- Motor power: 37 Kw
- Table: 4000 x 1300 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3700 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1250 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 25 m/min
- Changing Tools: 40posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
- Weight: 29 ton
| 119FRSbf | Sachman | T20 Hs | - T Type upright: .
- Head: automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 3°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 30 Kw
- Table: 3700 x 900 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- Changing Tools: 30 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- Notes: refrigerazione interna
| 120FRSbf | Tos Kurim | Fs 100 A3 | - CNC: SELCA 40-45 PD
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + verticale/orizzontale
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 27 Kw
- Table: 3000 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1400 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2003
| 121FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 934 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 22/27 Kw
- Table: 2500 x 920 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1620 mm
- Changing Tools: 30 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 1996
- Notes: tavola rotante contin. CNC 1000x1000mm (5ton)
| 122FRSbf | Sachman | Ts 10 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 3°+1°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 21 Kw con cambio gamma
- Table: 2700 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1210 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 25 m/min
- Changing Tools: 24 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2009
- Weight: 16 ton
- Notes: alta pressione con filtraggio
| 123FRSbf | Fil | Fbt 200 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: bimandrino fissa verticale/orizzontale
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 1500 rpm
- Table: 2400x750 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 500 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Notes: tavola 4° asso controllato diam. 350 mm
- 2Notes: altezza punte 400 mm
| 124FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 90 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 22/33 Kw
- Table: 2400 x 820 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 920 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 10 m/min
- Changing Tools: 40 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: nr. 2
- New In: 1996
- Weight: 15000 kg
- Notes: ingombri 5800 x 3900 x 2740 mm
- 2Notes: tastatore pezzo
- 3notes: sistema di filtraggi oa carta
| 125FRSbf | Fpt | Spazio | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 22,5 kW / 15 kW
- Table: 2200 x 750 mm - portata 3500 Kg
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 15 m/min.
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 1999
- Weight: 9700 Kg
- Notes: potenza totale: 34 kW (18.000 h di lavoro)
| 126FRSbf | Novar | Kbf 3000/800 | - CNC: HEINDEHAIN 355
- Head: birotativa (KAR 2)
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: automatica verticale /orizzontale
- Spindle speed: 10 - 2250 rpm
- Table: 3000 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Safety protection: doppio portellone scorrevole
- Weight: 15000 kg circa
- Notes: ingombri 7025 x 426 x 4261 mm circa
| 128FRSbf | Parpas | Sl60 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Motor power: 15/22 kw
- Table: girevole 1000 x 1000 mm continua
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 750 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: Marcatura CE
- Weight: 10.000 kg
- Notes: ingombri 5300 x 4520 x 3000 mm
| 129FRSbf | Rambaudi | Rx 1000 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 80 - 3000 RPM
- Frontal spindle: togliendo la testa
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Frontal spindle speed: 80 - 3000 RPM
- Table: 3500 x 1000 (portata 12 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1700 mm
- Changing Tools: 10 posizioni
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 1999
- Weight: 22.500 kg
- Notes: ingombri 7200 x 5200 x 4100 (altezza) mm
| 130FRSbf | Rivolta | Fbf 2000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 1500 RPM
- Motor power: 15 Kw
- Table: 2200 x 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 700 mm circa
- Vertical stroke: 700 mm circa
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: parziale
- Safety protection: .
- Weight: 11.00 kg
| 131FRSbf | Fil | Fa 1000 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO 50
- Table: 4500 x 1200 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 4500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1500 mm
- Vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- Control device: .
- Notes: seconda testa birotativa manuale
- 2Notes: mandrino verticale ISO 50 sotto slittone
| 132FRSbf | Novar | Runner 1500 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: automatica mod. KAR 2
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: orizzontale/verticale
- Spindle speed: 10-2250 giri/min
- Motor power: 22 Kw
- Table: girevole 1500 x 1200 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1400 mm
- Control device: .
- Weight: 20.000 Kg
| 133FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 90 | - CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- Head: birotativa automatica (TU 600)
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- Motor power: 30 kw
- Table: girevole 1250 x 1000 mm, 7 ton.
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- sliding type: avanzamenti rapidi 10.000 mm/min.
- Changing Tools: 20 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
- Notes: motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS
| 134FRSbf | Sachman | T10 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Table: 2400 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 900 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1075 mm
- Changing Tools: 20 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
| 135FRSbf | Sachman | Trt 314 Gp | - T Type upright: .
- Head: automatica tipo Cosmo
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Motor power: 28/43 Kw
- Table: girevole 2000 x 1600 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1400 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Changing Tools: 24 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: doppio
- New In: 2009
- Weight: 30 ton.
| 136FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 936 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5° (indexata)
- Spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- Table: 3500 x 920 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
- Notes: refrigerazione interna 20 BAR
| 137FRSbf | Sachman | Trt 22 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica (Kosmo 4000)
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 3° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Motor power: 24 kw in S1
- Table: girevole 2000x1600 mm (10 ton.)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1400 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Changing Tools: 12 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 1997
- Weight: 24.300 kg
| 138FRSbf | Fpt | Lem T10 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- Spindle speed: 3500 RPM
- Table: 3500 x 1300 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1200 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- Control device: .
- New In: 1997
| 139FRSbf | Sachman | T10 Gp | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica (Kosmo)
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: asse A 1° - asse C 3°
- Spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- Motor power: 17 Kw
- Table: 2200 x 700 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1075 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: 15 m/min RAPIDI
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
| 140FRSbf | Tos Kurim | Fsq 100 Kr/a3 | - CNC: SELCA 3045 PD
- Head: tipo twist automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: millesimale
- Spindle speed: 3500 RPM
- Table: 3000 x 1300 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale con chiusura superiore
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: nr. 02
- New In: 2002
- Notes: aspirazione fumi
- 2Notes: testa integralmente revisionata nel 2018
| 141FRSbf | Zayer | 30 Kf 3000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- Spindle speed: 35/3000 RPM
- Table: 3000 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2700 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1250 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: marcatura CE
- Notes: azionamenti e motori SIEMENS
- 2Notes: revisionata nel 2017
| 142FRSbf | Goglio | Fx 15 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: bimandrino
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Table: 1800 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1600 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 800 mm
- Changing Tools: 20 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
| 143FRSbf | Globe | U 1900 | - CNC: SELCA 4045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 3000 RPM
- Table: 2300 x 830 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1900 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 900 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 2002
| 144FRSbf | Sachman | Trt 314 Hs | - CNC: SELCA 4045D
- Head: birotativa automatica KOSMO
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 1° asse posteriore 3° asse anteriore
- Spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- Motor power: 35 kw in S6 su 2 gamme automatiche
- Table: girevole 2000 x 1600 mm (15 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1400 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide lineari (20 mm/min)
- Changing Tools: 20 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: su 4 lati
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2006
- Notes: elettromandrino flangiato 30.000 RPM 10 kw
| 145FRSbf | Fil | Fbt 250 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SLCA 3045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO50
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO50
- Table: 3000 x 800 m
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
| 146FRSbf | Fpt | Spazio 20 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Table: 2200 x 750 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Weight: 9700 kg
| 147FRSbf | Sachman | T22 | - T Type upright: SELCA 4045D
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 1°+3°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 28/24 kw
- Table: 3200 x 1100 mm (portata 10 ton.)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1400 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 12 m/min
- Changing Tools: 20 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
- Weight: 23 ton circa
- Dimension: 7700 x 4800 x 4117 mm
- Notes: potenza tot 48 kw
| 148FRSbf | Mte | 42 Kt | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: iso 50
- Head index angle: 1° asse A - 2,5° asse C
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Motor power: 36 kw
- Table: 4200 x 1200 mm (portata 14 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1400 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 25 m/min
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: completa
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Weight: 32 ton
- Dimension: 10.300 x 5500 x 3600 (h) mm
- Notes: testa revisionata anno 2019
- 2Notes: refrigeraz. interna alta press. 20+5 bar
| 149FRSbf | Parpas | Sl113 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: birotativa automatica (Ti01)
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 37 kw
- Table: girevole continua 2500 x 2000 mm (10 ton.)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1250 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1720 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 12 m/min
- Changing Tools: 100 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2002
- Weight: 34 ton
- Dimension: 7400 x 6750 x 4300 mm
- Notes: refrigerazione interna (alta pressione 20 bar)
- 2Notes: potenza installata 70 kA
- 3notes: Tastatore Renishaw mod. Rmp60
- 4notes: Presetting per lunghezza utensile
| 150FRSbf | Lagun | Fbf 1200 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Motor power: 15 kw
- Table: 1400 x 550 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 1200 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 560 mm
- Vertical stroke: 660 mm
- Control device: si
| 151FRSbf | Sachman | Ts10 | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: asse A 3° - asse C 1°
- Spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- Motor power: 20,5 kw
- Table: 2700 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1210 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 25 m/min
- Changing Tools: 24 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2008
- Weight: 16.700 kg
- Dimension: 7200 x 4200 x 3000 mm
| 152FRSbf | Sachman | T20 | - T Type upright: si
- Head: birotativa automatica (Kosmo)
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 3° asse A - 2,5° asse C
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 30 kw Siemens
- Table: 3200 x 1100 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- Notes: refrigerazione interna al mandrino
- 2Notes: marcatura CE
| 153FRSbf | Mecof | Performa | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530 (doppio)
- Head: birotativa automatica TBA4
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 1° asse A - 3° asse C
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 30 kw
- Table: 2200 x 1150 mm (5000 kg)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 28 m/min
- Changing Tools: 25 posti ISO50/13 posti HSK50-E
- Control device: doppia postazione CNC
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: doppio
- New In: 2004
- Weight: 25.000 kg
- Notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
- 2Notes: sezione RAM 450 x 450 mm
- 3notes: doppio aspiratore fumi
| 154FRSbf | Sachman | T10gp | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 3° asse A - 2,5° asse C
- Spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- Motor power: 15 kw
- Table: 2200 x 710 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1075 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2003
- Dimension: 7000 x 3900 x 3300 mm
| 156FRSbf | Fpt | Spazio 20 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430/B
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 22,5 Kw (totale 42 Kw)
- Table: 2200 x 750 mm (portata 3500 kg)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Changing Tools: 30 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: marcatura CE
- Notes: rapidi 15 m/min
| 157FRSbf | Fil | Fbt250 | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 1200
- Frontal spindle: .
- frontalSpindleConnect.: ISO50
- Frontal spindle speed: 2000 giri/min
- Table: 3000 x 1000 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 800 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- Control device: .
| 158FRSbf | Sachman | T314 Gp | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 4045D
- Head: automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+3°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 50 kw totale installata
- Table: 3200 x 1100 mm (10.000 kg)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1400 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: 12 m/min rapido
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 25.000 kg
- Notes: refrigerazione interna 15 bar
| 159FRSbf | Fpt | Lem 936 | - CNC: SELCA 4045PD
- Head: automatica mod. TUPCG
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: millesimale (0,001 + 0,001)
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 28/35 kw 2 gamme (1070 Nm)
- Table: 3500 x 920 mm (8000 kg)
- Longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: 15 m/min rapido (idrostatico)
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Notes: distanziale montante maggiorato 360 mm
- 2Notes: refrigerazione interna
| 160FRSbf | Fil | Fs 250 | - CNC: SELCA S 3045
- Head: birotativa (cono prolungato)
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- Motor power: 16,5 kw
- Table: 2900 x 750 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: si
- Protections: si
- Safety protection: si
| 161FRSbf | Zayer | 20kf 3000 | - CNC: SELCA 3045P
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO50
- Head index angle: millesimale
- Spindle speed: 40-6000 rpm
- Motor power: 28 Kw
- Table: 3000 x 1000 mm (10 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2700 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 15 m/min
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: si
- Protections: parziale
- Weight: 21.000 kg
- Notes: marcatura CE
- 2Notes: motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS
| 162FRSbf | Sachman | Rp3 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 155
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 1400 giri/min
- Motor power: 12 Kw
- Table: 2700 x 730 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2600 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 750 mm
- Vertical stroke: 920 mm
- Control device: .
| 163FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 75 | - CNC: SELCA S 4045
- Head: automatica 2,5°+1°
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 5000 g/min
- Motor power: 15/22 kW
- Table: 2250 x 750 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 750 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- Control device: si
- Electronic HandWheel: si
- Protections: si
- Safety protection: si
- New In: 2002
| 164FRSbf | Sachman | T15 Hs | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+ 3°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 35 Kw in S6
- Table: 2700 x 900 mm (portata 4 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 40 m/min
- Changing Tools: 20 posti (in posizione verticale)
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2004
- Weight: 28.900 Kg
| 165FRSbf | Sachman | T314 Hs | - T Type upright: .
- CNC: SELCA 4045 PD
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: bicentesimale
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 35 Kw in S6
- Table: 3700 x 1100 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 3500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1600 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: 20 m/min
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Weight: 26.600 kg
- Notes: alta pressione interna (15 bar)
- 2Notes: portata tavola: 12 ton
| 166FRSbf | Cme | Bf-03 | - CNC: SELCA 4045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- Motor power: 22 Kw
- Table: 2200 x 850 mm (4000 Kg)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 1999
| 167FRSbf | Sachman | T15 Hs | - T Type upright: .
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+ 3°
- Spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- Motor power: 35 Kw in S6
- Table: 2700 x 900 mm (portata 4 ton)
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- TransvStrokeUpright: 1200 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 40 m/min
- Changing Tools: 20 posti (in posizione verticale)
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: 2004
- Weight: 28.900 Kg
| 168FRSbf | Parpas | Sl 60 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO50
- Head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- Spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- Motor power: 15/22 Kw
- Table: girevole 1000 x 1000 mm continua
- Longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 750 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic HandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip conveyor: .
- New In: marcatura CE
| 169FRSbf | Novar | Kbf 3000 | - CNC: ECS 2302
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO50
- Table: 3000x800 mm
- Longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- transv.Stroke(RAM): 1000 mm
- Vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- Control device: .
Code |
Brand |
Model |
Features |
| 005FRSal | Secmu | Secmu | - Displayed: ELS 3 assi
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 25 - 940 rpm
- D.C. Motors: .
- Frontal Spindle: .
- Table: 700 X 2000 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 900 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
| 006FRSal | Tiger | Fmt 700 | - CNC: posizionatore HEIDENHAIN
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 18 velocità 210-1235 rpm
- Motor Power: 15 cv
- D.C. Motors: .
- Ball Screws: .
- Frontal Spindle: togliendo la testa
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 1850 x 450 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 900 mm
- control device: .
| 010FRSal | Tiger | Tbf 230 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 135
- Head: verticale orientabile con aggancio idraulico
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 50-1600 giri/min
- Motor Power: 12,5 HP
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 21-1235 giri/min
- Table: 600 X 2300 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2100 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1100 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 880 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1050 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
| 011FRSal | Secmu | C/g | - CNC: FAS
- Head: birotativa con aggancio cono idraulico
- Connection: ISO 50
- Table: 700 X 2200 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 770 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1100 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- Changing Tools: n. 60 posizioni
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Notes: mandrino frontale sotto la testa
| 020FRSal | De Tomasi | Fbf 15.2 | - CNC: CONTROL TECHNIQUES FNC-4
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50 idraulico
- Spindle speed: 20-1900 giri/min
- Motor Power: 11 + 14,7 Kw
- SpindleStrokeForDrilling: con mandrino ISO 40 fissato sulla testa birotativa
- Frontal Spindle: "togliendo la testa"
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50 idraulico
- Table: 2000 X 630 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Weight: 7500 Kg
- Notes: prolunga di irrigidimento al naso mandrino frontal
| 025FRSal | De Tomasi | Fbf 15 | - CNC: ECS 2101
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 20-1900 giri/min
- Motor Power: 14,7 Kw
- D.C. Motors: .
- Ball Screws: .
- Table: 1600 X 630 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1250 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
- Weight: 6.500 Kg
| 031FRSal | Tecmu | Mc | - CNC: ECS 2400
- Head: bimandrino verticale orientabile
- Connection: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle: togliendo la testa
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 2700 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1350 mm
- control device: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: revisionata
| 032FRSal | Arno Nomo | Fbf 1500 | - CNC: posizionatore HEIDENHAIN 121
- Head: tipo a forcella
- Connection: ISO 50 idraulico
- D.C. Motors: .
- Ball Screws: .
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50 idraulico
- Table: 1500 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1200 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 680 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
| 034FRSal | Deber | Btm 3000 3g Cnc | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 90° (anteriore e posteriore)
- Table: 3000 X 1000 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1500 mm
- control device: .
- New In: 1996
| 036FRSal | Fil | Fa 200 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 135 TNC
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 40-1535 giri/min
- Motor Power: 7,5 Kw
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 35-1270 giri/min
- FrontalSpindleMotorPower: HP 15
- Table: 700 X 2400 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 750 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 650 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
- Weight: 10.000 Kg
| 038FRSal | Sts-secmu | C6 | - CNC: SELCA S3045
- Head: birotativa automatica
- Connection: ISO 50
- Head index angle: 2,5° + 1°
- Spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- Table: 2200 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2200 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 950 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1100 mm
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- New In: 1999
- Weight: 10.000 Kg
- Notes: distanza mandrino - colonna 970 mm
| 045FRSal | Mandelli | Positive | - CNC: posizionatore
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 18-1360 rpm
- Ball Screws: .
- SpindleStrokeForDrilling: .
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 660 X 2000 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1700 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 750 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1100 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
| 046FRSal | Secmu | C6 | - CNC: ECS 2400
- Connection: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle: .
- Table: 700 X 2000 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1750 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1100 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
| 048FRSal | Secmu | Secmu | - Displayed: WIZARD 3 assi
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 25 - 940 rpm
- Table: 680 X 2000 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
| 050FRSal | Mandelli | Ego | - Head: birotativa automatica over
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- Ball Screws: .
- Table: 2000 X 7500 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1500 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
| 058FRSal | Fil | 160 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa manuale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 40 - 1535 rpm
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 35 - 1270 rpm
- Table: 1950 X 650 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 850 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
- Weight: 8500 Kg
| 060FRSal | Nomo | Fbf 1500 | - Displayed: ELESTA 3 assi
- Head: birotativa universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 25 - 1500 rpm
- Motor Power: 15 HP
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 30 - 1450 rpm
- Table: 530 X 1800 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 680 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 800 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
- Weight: 7500 Kg
| 061FRSal | Deber | Btm 2000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TC 135
- Head: universale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 18 - 2120 rpm
- Table: 2000 X 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 800 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1300 mm
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Safety protection: .
| 063FRSal | Nomo Arno | F.b.f. 3000 | - Displayed: .
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 1500 rpm
- Motor Power: 20 HP
- D.C. Motors: sugli avanzamenti
- SpindleStrokeForDrilling: .
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 1500 rpm
- Table: 3000 X 950 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 3000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1050 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 850 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1300 mm
- control device: .
- Weight: 19.500 Kg
- Notes: luce verticale testa-tavola: 1390 mm - max 1840 mm
| 064FRSal | Tecmu | C6m | - CNC: ECS 1801
- Head: universale / birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 10 - 2000 rpm
- Motor Power: 20,6 - 13,7 Kw
- Ball Screws: .
- Table: 700 X 2250 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2150 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1300 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 800 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
| 070FRSal | Nomo | Fbf 1500 | - CNC: NC SELCA S 630
- Head: verticale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 25 - 1500 rpm
- Motor Power: HP 10
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 30 - 1450 rpm
- FrontalSpindleMotorPower: 15 HP
- Table: 600 X 1800 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1480 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 680 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
- Weight: 7500 Kg
| 071FRSal | Secmu | C6m | - CNC: SIEMENS SINUMERIK
- Head: universale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 35 - 1265 rpm
- Motor Power: 15 HP
- Table: 700 X 2250 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1900 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 960 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1310 mm
- control device: .
| 072FRSal | Rambaudi | Versamill | - Displayed: 3 assi
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 22-2000 rpm
- Table: 510 X 1600 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1250 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 650 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
| 074FRSal | Fil | Fa 130 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN
- Head: verticale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 1800 rpm
- D.C. Motors: .
- Ball Screws: .
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 1800 rpm
- Table: 1600 X 500 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1300 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 700 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
| 075FRSal | Fil | Fa 200 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 150
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 40-1535 rpm
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 35-1270 mm
- Table: 700 X 2400 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 750 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
| 076FRSal | Nomo Arno | Fbf 2200 | - Displayed: ELBO 3 assi
- Head: universale
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 25-1500 rpm
- Motor Power: 10 CV
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 30 - 1450 rpm
- FrontalSpindleMotorPower: H P 15
- Table: 530 x 2500 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2200 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 800 mm
- Steady Rests: .
- Shaft: .
- control device: .
| 079FRSal | Secmu-fas | C6 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: universale birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 10 - 2000 rpm
- Table: 700 x 2200 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 800 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1300 mm
- control device: .
- Notes: tavola TABONI 500 x 500 mm
| 080FRSal | Secmu | | |
| 081FRSal | Deber | Btm 4000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 365
- Head: bimandrino
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 18-2120 rpm
- Motor Power: 25 HP
- Table: 4000 x 1000 mm (portata 6 ton)
- Longitudinal Stroke: 3500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1100 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 400 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1500 mm
- control device: .
- Weight: 15000 kg
- Notes: frigorifero per olio testa
| 083FRSal | Mandelli | Ego | - CNC: ECS mod. 27000D
- Connection: ISO 50
- Ball Screws: .
- Frontal Spindle: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 2500 rpm
- Table: 3000 x 850 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 3000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
| 084FRSal | Deber | Btm 5 A Center | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- Head: bimandrino
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 3000 rpm su 2 gamme autom.
- Motor Power: 25 kW
- Table: girevole , CNC, 1500 x 1000 mm, continua
- Longitudinal Stroke: 3100 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1200 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 620 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1550 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 2001
- Weight: 24 ton
- Notes: rapidi 8000mm/min
| 086FRSal | Deber | Btm 2000 | - CNC: SELCA S1000
- Head: ortogonale bimandrino
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 18 / 2120 rpm
- FrontalSpindleMotorPower: 18,5 kW
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 800 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 400 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1200 mm
- Weight: 9000 kg
- Notes: ingombri 2500 x 3800 x H 2700
| 087FRSal | Arno | Nomo | |
| 089FRSal | Secmu | A2 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle: si, togliendo la testa
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 2000 x 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 750 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 850 mm
- control device: .
| 090FRSal | Secmu | A/2 | - CNC: F.A.S. / DIELECTRON
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 1300 x 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1450 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 750 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1100 mm
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Notes: motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS
| 091FRSal | Fil | Fa 250 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 355
- Head: verticale/orizzontale
- Connection: ISO 50 idraulico
- Spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- Motor Power: 18 kW
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50 idraulico
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 2000 rpm
- FrontalSpindleMotorPower: 20 kW
- Table: 3000 x 800 mm (4000 kg)
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 850 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1200 mm
- control device: .
- New In: 1991
- Weight: 13000 kg
- Notes: ingombri 3600 x 3750 x 3350 mm
| 092FRSal | Secmu | C6 | - CNC: NUM
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle: sì togliendo la testa
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 2000 x 700 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 850 mm
- control device: .
| 093FRSal | Secmu | C6 | |
| 094FRSal | Fil | Fa 160 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 355
- Head: verticale orientabile
- Connection: ISO 50 idraulico
- Spindle speed: 40-1535 rpm su 3 gamme automatiche
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 4040-1535 rpm su 3 gamme automatiche
- Table: 1950 x 650 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1600 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 900 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 700 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 850 mm
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Weight: 9000 kg
- Notes: totale potenza 25 Kw
- 2Notes: frigorifero in dotazione
| 095FRSal | Fil | Fa 130 | - CNC: SELCA 4040
- Head: verticale orientabile
- Connection: ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 50-2000 rpm
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISo 50 automatico
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 50-2000 rpm
- Table: 1600 x 570 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1300 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 750 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 650 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 750 mm
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Weight: 7500 Kg
- Notes: recentemente revisionata
- 2Notes: motori SIEMENS seminuovi
| 096FRSal | Rivolta | Fbf 1500 | |
| 097FRSal | Fil | Afp 120 | |
| 098FRSal | Secmu | | - Cycles: .
- Connection: ISO 50
- Ball Screws: solo asse verticale
- Frontal Spindle: .
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO 50
- Table: 1500 x 400 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1200 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 700 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 700 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- Steady Rests: .
- Shaft: .
- control device: .
| 099FRSal | Alesamonti | Maf 45 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: bimandrino girevole
- Connection: ISO 50 + ISO 50
- Spindle speed: 2600 rpm (460 Nm)
- Table: girevole (360°) 1000 x 900 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 1500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 1000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 600 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- control device: .
- Notes: portata tavola 4 ton
| 100FRSal | Deber | Btm | - CNC: SELCA S3045
- Head: birotativa
- Connection: ISO50
- Table: 3000 x 800 mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 3000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 900 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
| 101FRSal | Fil | Fa 200 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: verticale
- Connection: ISO50 automatico
- Spindle speed: 50-1555 rpm
- SpindleStrokeForDrilling: si
- Frontal Spindle: si
- FrontalSpindleConnecti: ISO50
- Frontal Spindle Speed: 40-1300 rpm
- Table: 2000X800mm
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2000 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 900 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): 900 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 900 mm
- Sliding type: guide piane
- Steady Rests: si
- Shaft: si
- control device: si
| 102FRSal | Deber | Btm 3000 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- Head: bimandrino verticale/orizzontale mod. TUB20
- Connection: ISO50
- Spindle speed: 50 - 2000 rpm su 2 gamme
- Motor Power: 25 Kw
- Table: 3000 x 600 mm, portata 6 ton
- Longitudinal Stroke: 2500 mm
- Transv. Stroke(table): 850 mm
- Transv. Stroke(RAM): motorizzato
- Vertical Stroke: 1300 mm
- control device: .
- Weight: 13 ton
- Notes: frigorifero per olio testa
- 2Notes: potenza tot installata: 50 Kw
Code |
Brand |
Model |
Features |
| 040FRSmm | Mecof | M 60 | - CNC: FIDIA
- head: birotativa index 1° semicorpo B - 3° semicorpo A
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- fixed table: .
- upright longit.stroke: 2200 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
| 041FRSmm | Maut | K92-b3 | - CNC: ECS 2601
- head: automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2 posizioni I^rotazione + 4 posizioni II^rotazione
- spindle speed: 3300 rpm
- central spindle: .
- motor power: 24 kw S1
- fixed table: piani stholle 15.000 X 2500 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 14.000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1.500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1800 mm
- Changing Tools: 80 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: marcatura CE
- Weight: 55.500 kg
- Notes: tavola girevole 2 posizioni 6000 X 2500 mm
- 2Notes: portata 1200 kg/mq
| 045FRSmm | Mecof | M60 | - CNC: FIDIA CNC 12 COMPACT
- head: universale automatica 1° dietro e 3° davanti
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 10 - 3000 rpm
- motor power: 18 Kw
- D.C. motors: .
- ball screws: .
- upright longit.stroke: 2300 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1200 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Notes: tavola girevoleDELKEN mod. DCN150 1500X1500mm
- 2Notes: tavola controllata, portata max 15ton, corsa1000mm
| 047FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 105 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426 (seminuovo)
- head: birotativa
- connection: ISO 50
- upright longit.stroke: 3300 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
- Notes: dimensione tavola (fissa): 500 x 1000 mm
| 051FRSmm | Deber | Mdm/8 | - CNC: SELCA 3045D
- head: automatica.Rotaz. asse C +/- 180 ° asse A +/- 270°
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- New In: 2001
| 061FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 88 G | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN
- head: testa birotativa
- connection: ISO 50
- fixed table: 5000 X 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 3500 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
| 064FRSmm | Mandelli | Over U 3000 | - T type upright: .
- head: automatica tipo OVER
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- central spindle: .
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(upright): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Changing Tools: 72 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: marcatura CE
- Notes: tavola 2000 X 1600 mm - corsa 1000 mm
| 071FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 88 G | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN
- head: automatica bimandrino
- connection: ISO 50
- fixed table: 6300 X 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4300 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
| 082FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 83/g | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 135
- head: birotativa manuale
- connection: ISO 50
- fixed table: 1060 x 6000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4500 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
- Weight: 19600 Kg
| 083FRSmm | Alesamonti | Mm 60 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- head: bimandrino
- connection: ISO 50
- fixed table: 1500 x 7000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 5000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 900 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Control device: .
| 084FRSmm | Tos | Ff 100 A8 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 2500 rpm su due gamme automatiche
- motor power: 27,5 Kw
- fixed table: 8000 x 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 m
- Changing Tools: 40 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2002 (intallazione 2005)
- Notes: righe ottiche HEIDENHAIN
| 086FRSmm | Fil | Fcm 600 | - CNC: ECS 2700
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- motor power: 37 kW
- frontal Spindle: canotto diam. 130 mm, corsa 550 m
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- fixed table: piano STOLLE
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Control device: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: tavola CNC 2000x1600 corsa 1500 12 ton
- 2Notes: cambio testa autom./autom. changing head + pick up
| 087FRSmm | Fil | Fcm 800 | - CNC: ECS 4800
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- motor power: 37 kW
- frontal Spindle: diam. canotto 130 mm, corsa 550 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- fixed table: 10000 x 3000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1100 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: pick up cambio teste automatico
- 2Notes: refrigeazione interna/internal cooling system
| 089FRSmm | Omv | Brave 6000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: millesimale
- spindle speed: 6000 rpm su 2 gamme autom.
- motor power: 30 kW
- fixed table: 7500 x 2000 x 300 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- transv.stroke(upright): 2100 mm
- Changing Tools: a bordo tavola/aside the table 24 pos.
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Notes: rapidi 30m/min
- 2Notes: potenza installatra 80 kW
| 090FRSmm | Fil | Fa 6000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- fixed table: piano di ancoraggio
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 1996
| 092FRSmm | Jobs | 5 Assi | - CNC: FIDIA C1
- connection: ISO 50
- fixed table: piano STOLLE 6000 x 2000 mm circa
- upright longit.stroke: 5400 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1125 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2450 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Cubes and Squares: nr. 2 squadre
| 093FRSmm | Novar | Deshors | - CNC: FIDIA CO
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: verticale - orizzontale
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- fixed table: 6000 x 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4100 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1800 mm
- Changing Tools: 34 posti a catena
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Cubes and Squares: nr. 2 squadre
| 094FRSmm | Fpt | Sirio M40 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430 M
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: millesimale
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm (187-6000 Nm)
- motor power: 37/46 kW (tot. potenza 57,5 kW)
- fixed table: 2000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica(15 m/min)
- Changing Tools: 40 posti + RENISHAW
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2003
- Weight: 29.000 Kg
- Notes: tavola rototrasl. continua 1750x1600 corsa 1000mm
- 2Notes: alta pressione 16 bar
| 095FRSmm | Fpt | Area Hm 100 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa millesimale
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: continuo di poszionamento
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- motor power: 37 kW S1
- upright longit.stroke: 10000
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250
- Vertical Stroke: 3500
- Sliding type: guide idrostatiche
- Changing Tools: 80 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: integrale
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2002
- Notes: n. 2 tavole 2500 x 2500 corsa 1250 mm 25 ton
- 2Notes: 2° testa birotativa indexata 2,5° + 2,5°
| 096FRSmm | Sachman | Mx 1000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 3°
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- motor power: 35 kW
- fixed table: 8000 x 1100 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: nr. 2
- New In: 2002
- Weight: 43200 kg
- Notes: 2°testa aggiuntiva(identica a quella in dotazione)
- 2Notes: utensileria e pezzi di ricambio in dotazione
| 098FRSmm | Fpt | M-arx M 120 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN TNC 430 ISP
- head: automatica con pick up 3 posti
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: contnuo
- spindle speed: 260-3000 mm
- motor power: Kw 51 (1855 Nm)
- frontal Spindle: testa musetto 400 mm
- fixed table: nr. 2 piani 6000x2000mm e nr. 2 piani 2000x2000mm
- upright longit.stroke: 12000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 4000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica (feedrate 15m/min)
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2005
- Notes: traversa continua 3000x3000mm corsa 1500 mm 60 ton
- 2Notes: refrigerazione interna
| 099FRSmm | Fpt | M-arx M90 | - CNC: FIDIA C20 (azionamenti e motori SIEMENS)
- head: automatica indexata (nuova)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: asse A 1°. asse C 1°
- spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- motor power: 47 Kw - 3300 Nm (totale 82 Kw)
- frontal Spindle: canotto di alesatura diam. 160mm, corsa 600 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- upright longit.stroke: 9000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3000 mm
- Sliding type: guide idrostatiche (rapidi 15m/min)
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Weight: 81oookg (ingombri17100x9910x6330mm)
- Notes: tavola 3000x3000 corsa 3000 (50ton) idrostatica
- 2Notes: pick-up testa fissa fino a 7500 rpm
- 3notes: motori ed azionam. SIEMENS
- 4notes: righe ottiche HEIDENHAIN
| 100FRSmm | Sachman-rambaudi | Mp 212 Hs (5 Assi) | - CNC: FIDIA C20 (motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS)
- head: tipo Globe
- connection: HSK A 100 DIN 69893
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 16000 rpm
- central spindle: con doppio montante (box in box)
- motor power: 56 kW in S6, 46 kW in S1
- ball screws: nr. 02 per la corsa verticale
- fixed table: 5000 x 1500 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1400 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 30m/min
- Changing Tools: 60 posti, diam. 125 x 300 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Notes: alta pressione con filtraggio
- 2Notes: RENISHAW RMP60, tastatore FIDIA K5MT
- 3notes: laser RENISHAW NC4 TX
- 4notes: mandrino OMLAT di ricambio
| 101FRSmm | Fpt | M-arx M100 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430M
- head: 1° testa birot. autom. (TUPC)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: millesimale
- spindle speed: 2500 rpm (37 kW)
- frontal Spindle: bareno di alesat. diam.152 mm, corsa 900 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 2500 rpm (46-56 kW)
- fixed table: piani Stolle
- upright longit.stroke: 10000 mm (possibile allungare a 16000 mm)
- transv.stroke(slider): 1500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 4000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatico (rapidi 15 m/min)
- Changing Tools: 60 posti (35 kg, diam 300 x 600 mm)
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
- Weight: ingombri a terra 16200 x 10405 mm
- Notes: pic-up autom. 4 posiz.
- 2Notes: 2° testa ind.1°+1°, 3°testa musetto diam.200x700mm
- 3notes: tavola idrost.continua3500x3000 corsa 2000(80ton)
- 4notes: alta press con filtraggio. RENISHAW
| 102FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 500 Agile | - CNC: FIDIA M2
- head: Birotativa automatica mod. TWIN 15
- connection: ISO 40
- head index angle: 1° + 1°
- spindle speed: 12000 rpm
- motor power: 15 Kw
- frontal Spindle: .
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 3000 rpm, 25 Kw, cambio gamma
- fixed table: 6300 x 1090 x 900 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 5000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 1997
- Notes: struttura box in box
| 104FRSmm | Fpt | Area Ev 100 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa (TUPC)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 0,001 millesimale
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- motor power: 46/37 Kw (1210 Nm) tot. 79,3 Kw
- frontal Spindle: testa fissa SELS4, 400 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- fixed table: piano STOLLE 10000 x 2500 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 10000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1500 mm, sezione RAM 700 x 500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3500 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatico (rapidi 25m/min)
- Changing Tools: 100 posti + RENISHAW RMP 60 + BLUM
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2008
- Notes: tavola 2500 x 2500 mm, corsa 1500 mm, 40 ton
- 2Notes: pick-up 3 posti per teste + utensili speciali
- 3notes: alta pressione 40 bar
- 4notes: ingombri 16630 x 11000 x 5430 mm
| 105FRSmm | Fpt | Lem M50 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa automatica (TUPC)
- connection: ISO 50 con refrigerazione interna
- head index angle: 1° + 1°
- spindle speed: 187 - 4000 rpm
- motor power: 22/27 Kw (tot. 52 Kw)
- upright longit.stroke: 5000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatico (rapidi 15 m/min)
- Changing Tools: 60 posti+renishaw
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 1999
- Weight: 27 ton
- Notes: nr. 02 tavole 1250x1250 (corsa 1500), 10 ton
- 2Notes: indexaggio tavole continuo
| 106FRSmm | Fpt | Sirio M40 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530 SP
- head: birotativa automatica (TUPCG OSA)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 250 - 4000 rpm
- motor power: 28/35 Kw (totale 60 Kw)
- frontal Spindle: testa fissa (SELS 4) 400 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- upright longit.stroke: 4000mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica (rapidi 15 m/min)
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2005
- Weight: 30 ton
- Notes: refrigerazione interna ad alta pressione
| 107FRSmm | Fpt | Sirio M40 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 0,001+0,001 (millesimale)
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- fixed table: 5000x2000 mm circa
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica
- Changing Tools: a pick-up sul piano fisso
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Notes: marcatura CE
| 109FRSmm | Fpt | Pragma M60 | - CNC: HEINDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa mod. TUPCG CSA
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm su 2 gamme automatiche
- motor power: 24/27,5 kW (1120 Nm) totale 62 Kw
- frontal Spindle: testa fissa mod. SELS4 (400 mm)
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 5000 rpm su 2 gamme automatiche
- fixed table: piano 7000 x 2000 x 300 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: guide lineari (30 m/min rapidi)
- Changing Tools: pick up 40 posti ISO 50 / HSKA 63
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Cubes and Squares: 2 squadre 2500 x 1000 x 1200 mm
- New In: 2000
- Weight: 50000 kg
- Notes: pick up teste 3 posizioni
- 2Notes: 3° testa twist mod. TAEMO CSA, continua 22000 rpm
- 3notes: alta pressione interna 20 bar
- 4notes: ingombri 11200 x 8099 x 4230 mm
| 110FRSmm | Fpt | Ronin M80 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: automatica birotativa mod. TUPCG5
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: continuo
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- central spindle: sistema box in box
- motor power: 49 Kw (1180 Nm - totale 70 Kw)
- frontal Spindle: testa fissa mod. SEL S4
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 35 m/min
- Changing Tools: 80 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2006 (installata 2007)
- Notes: 2 tavole idrost.1500x1500 mm,corsa 1500 mm (15ton)
- 2Notes: alta pressione 20bar con filtraggio
- 3notes: pick-up teste automatico
- 4notes: tastatore pezzo HEIDENHAIN, ingombri 13500x9627 mm
| 112FRSmm | Zayer | 30 Kcu 7000 Ar | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: millesimale (0,001° + 0,001°)
- spindle speed: 4500 RPM
- motor power: 37 Kw
- fixed table: piano stolle 5000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 7000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Sliding type: 20 m/min.
- Changing Tools: 80 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2004
- Notes: tavola girevole 1800 x 1800 corsa 1500 (15 ton)
- 2Notes: refrigerazione interna 20 bar
- 3notes: Renishaw MP16
- 4notes: cabina mobile per operatore
| 113FRSmm | Fpt | Sirio M60 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa millesimale (TUPCG5 CSA)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 0,001° + 0,001°
- spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- motor power: 28/35 kw
- fixed table: nr. 2 piani 3000 x 2000 mm e 2000 x 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2005
- Weight: 35.000 kg
- Notes: tavola girevole 2000 x 2000 mm corsa 1500 mm
- 2Notes: portata tavola 15 ton. continua e idrostatica
- 3notes: tastatore Renishaw
- 4notes: alta pressione 20 bar
| 114FRSmm | Rambaudi | Versamatic 750 (doppio Montante) | - CNC: ECS
- head: birotativa
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: automatica verticale/orizzontale
- spindle speed: 40 - 4000 rpm
- motor power: 22 Kw
- fixed table: 3200 x 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 750 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti a catena (diam 125 x 300 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 1997
| 115FRSmm | Colgar | Fral 400 | - CNC: NUM 1060
- head: birotativa automatica (TA 110)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 2500 RPM
- motor power: 40 Kw (1700 Nm)
- frontal Spindle: seconda testa (prolunga) 500 mm diam. 150 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 2500 RPM
- fixed table: piani 13.000 x 2500 x 300 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 13.000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3500 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica
- Changing Tools: predisposizione
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: refrigerazione interna con filtrazione
- 2Notes: aggancio teste automatico
- 3notes: disponibilità ATC 80 posti da applicare
- 4notes: sezione RAM 555 x 450 mm
| 117FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 88 G | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: solo nella parte posteriore
- fixed table: 6000 x 1000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4300 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Control device: .
| 118FRSmm | Mecof | M3-c Agile | - CNC: SELCA 4060D
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 0,001° + 0,001°
- spindle speed: 6000 RPM
- motor power: 30 kw in S1
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2650 mm
- Sliding type: 20.000 mm/min rapidi
- Changing Tools: 75 ISO 50 - 5 HSKA63
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2005
- Notes: tavola 2500x2000 corse 1500 (30 ton.)
- 2Notes: refrigerazione interna (20 bar)
- 3notes: elettromandrino 20.000 RPM - 22kw HSKA63
- 4notes: cambio elettromandrino in automatico
| 119FRSmm | Zayer | 30kcu 10.000 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 1° + 2,5°
- fixed table: nr 01 6400 x 3750 mm - nr 01 1600 x 3750 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 10.000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3000 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 1997
- Notes: tav. rototraslante 2000x1600 corsa 1500 (15 ton)
- 2Notes: alta pressione 20 bar
- 3notes: diam. bareno alesatura 175 mm corsa 500 mm
- 4notes: pick up automatico testa
| 120FRSmm | Fpt | Area M80 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa automatica millesimale
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 0,001 + 0,001
- spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- motor power: 46/37 kw
- frontal Spindle: testa fissa mod. SELS6 (600 mm)
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- fixed table: nr.1 5000x3750 mm - nr.1 1500x3750 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Notes: tav. rotante continua 2000x2000 mm (15 ton)
- 2Notes: alta pressione 20 bar
- 3notes: pick up 3 posizioni automatico
| 121FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 500 Agile | - CNC: FIDIA (motori ed azionamenti SIEMENS)
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 1°+ 3°
- spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- central spindle: BOX in BOX
- motor power: 30 Kw su 2 gamme (780 Nm)
- fixed table: 7300 x 1090 x 900 (h) mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Sliding type: 20 m/min.
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: con cabina operatore
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Cubes and Squares: 3 cubi e 2 squadre
- New In: 1999
- Notes: elettromandrino aggiuntivo
| 122FRSmm | Parpas | Ml 130 | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- head: twist a forcella
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: asse C 0,001 (360°) asse A 0,001 +/- 95°
- spindle speed: 3000 RPM su 2 gamme automatiche
- motor power: 37/53 kw
- frontal Spindle: .
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- fixed table: 04 piani 4500 x 1500 mm (cad)
- upright longit.stroke: 10.000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1300 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3000 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: tavola 2500 x 2500 mm corsa 1500 mm (25 ton)
- 2Notes: testa fissa orizzontale ISO 50
| 123FRSmm | Parpas | Ml 100 | - CNC: SELCA 4045PD
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: asse A manuale - asse C 0,001
- spindle speed: 3000 RPM su 2 gamme automatiche
- motor power: 37/53 kw
- frontal Spindle: .
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- fixed table: nr 02 piani 4500 x 1500 mm (cad)
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 3000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatico
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: automatica per operatore
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Cubes and Squares: .
- New In: 2003
- Notes: tavola 2000 x 2000 mm corsa 1500 mm (25 ton)
- 2Notes: testa fissa orizzontale ISO 50
| 124FRSmm | Omv | Quartz | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: continua
- spindle speed: 8000 RPM su 2 gamme automatiche
- central spindle: box in box
- motor power: 22/28 Kw (400 Nm)
- fixed table: 3500 x 1200 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 30 m/min
- Changing Tools: 24 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2007
- Weight: 25.000 kg
- Notes: totale potenza installata 40 Kw
- 2Notes: ingombri 5117 x 4958 x 3355 mm
| 125FRSmm | Mecof | Cs 50 Unica | - CNC: SELCA 3045P
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: asse A 1° asse B 3°
- spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- central spindle: box in box
- fixed table: 5300 x 1090 mm circa
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1800 mm
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Cubes and Squares: 2 cubi
- New In: 2000
- Notes: refrigerazione intena (20 bar)
| 126FRSmm | Oerlikon | Cmm | - CNC: ECS
- head: birotativa
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 2500 giri/min
- central spindle: box in box
- motor power: 25/42 kw (1930/1850 Nm)
- frontal Spindle: .
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- frontal spindle speed: 2500 giri/min.
- fixed table: 2500 x 2500 mm (25 ton)
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm (sezione RAM 500 x 420 mm)
- Vertical Stroke: 2550 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica
- Control device: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: tavola rototraslante 2400 x 1800 mm corsa 1000 mm
- 2Notes: pickup teste
- 3notes: 2 teste fisse orizzontali
| 127FRSmm | Fpt | Pragma Su30 | - CNC: SIEMENS 840D
- head: birotativa automatica (TUPCG CSA)
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: Millesimale (0,001 + 0,001)
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- motor power: 24/27,5 kw (1120 Nm)
- fixed table: 4000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 30 m/min
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
- Notes: pickup teste automatico 3 posizioni
- 2Notes: 2° testa autom. ortogonale 14.000RPM
- 3notes: potenza tot. installata 63 kw
- 4notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
- 5Notes: sezione RAM 530 x 450 mm
| 128FRSmm | Fpt | Pragma 6m | - CNC: FIDIA C2/4F
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2.5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 5000 RPM
- motor power: 24/27,5 kw (1120 Nm)
- fixed table: 6000 x 2000 mm circa
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Changing Tools: 24 posti tipo pickup sulla tavola
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 2000
- Weight: 50.000 Kg
- Notes: pickup teste automatico 3 posizioni
- 2Notes: 2°testa autom. ortogonale 18.000RPM
- 3notes: 3°testa autom. ortogonale 24.000RPM
- 4notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
- 5Notes: sezione RAM 530x450 mm
- 6Notes: potenza totale 63 kw
| 129FRSmm | Fil | Fbm 300 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 426
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 3000 RPM
- motor power: 33 kw
- fixed table: 3500 x 1200 x 800 (h) mm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1500 mm
- Sliding type: 10 mm/min. rapidi
- Changing Tools: 30 posti (lunghezza utile 500 mm)
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: marcatura CE
- Notes: tav. girevole continua 700x700 CNC
- 2Notes: portata tav. 3,5 ton.
- 3notes: posizione verticale / orizzontale
- 4notes: refrigeratore interno + filtrazione
| 130FRSmm | Fil | Fsm 300 | - CNC: SELCA 3045P
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: BT 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 4000 RPM con cambio gamma
- motor power: 23 kw
- fixed table: 3500 x 900 x 950 (h) mm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1500 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 12 mm/min
- Changing Tools: 24 posti (diam. 120 x 350 mm 15 kg)
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2001
- Notes: totale potenza installata 30 kw
- 2Notes: azionamenti e motori SIEMENS
| 131FRSmm | Rivolta | Famm 900 | - CNC: SELCA 3045
- head: birotativa
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- frontal Spindle: .
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO50
- frontal spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- fixed table: .
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
| 132FRSmm | Fpt | Area | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- spindle speed: 2500 rpm
- motor power: 37 kw
- fixed table: si
- upright longit.stroke: 12.000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: testa orizzontale
- 2Notes: aggancio teste automatico
| 133FRSmm | Rema Control | Leonard 5000 T5b (5 Assi) | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 640
- head: ortogonale (2 assi)
- connection: HSKA63
- head index angle: 360° e - 15° + 120°
- spindle speed: 6000 rpm
- motor power: 24 kw
- fixed table: 5300 x 820 mm (lavoro pendolare)
- upright longit.stroke: 5000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1000 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi x/y/z = 36/50/50 m-min
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: completa
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2008
- Weight: 19.000 kg
- Notes: nr. 2 tavole cnc diam. 600 mm orizz./vert.
- 2Notes: nr. 1 contropunta x tavola vert.
- 3notes: alta pressione 30 bar
- 4notes: sonda MARPOS mod. E86
| 135FRSmm | Mecof | Unica Cs50 | - CNC: SELCA 4045D
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 4500 rpm
- fixed table: 5300 x 1090 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1800 mm
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: si
- Electronic Hand Wheel: si
- Chip Conveyor: si
- New In: 2001
| 136FRSmm | Parpas | Ml 90 | - CNC: SELCA S 4045
- head: automatica 2,5°+2,5°
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 6000 g/min
- motor power: 30 kW
- fixed table: 7000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi asse X 18 m/min
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 1999
| 137FRSmm | Parpas | Ml 90 | - CNC: SELCA S 4045
- head: autom. in continua asse A e indexata 2,5° asse C
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 6000 g/min
- motor power: 30 kW
- fixed table: 6000 x 2500 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 6000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi asse X 18 m/min
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2002
| 138FRSmm | Fil | Fbm 300 | - CNC: SELCA 3045PD
- frontal Spindle: .
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO50
- frontal spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 800 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1700 mm
- Changing Tools: 30 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2000
- Notes: tavola girevole 1500x1500 mm (15ton)
- 2Notes: corsa tavola 1200 mm
- 3notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
| 139FRSmm | Fpt | Sirio M40 | - CNC: heidenhain 426CB
- head: birotativa automatica TU360
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: 1°+ 1°
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- motor power: 37,5 kW
- fixed table: 5000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica (12 m/min)
- Changing Tools: 30 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
- 2Notes: marcatura CE
| 140FRSmm | Fpt | Area M40 | - CNC: heidenhain 426CA
- head: birotativa automatica TU144
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: 2,5°+ 2,5°
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- motor power: 37,5 kW - 1500 Nm
- fixed table: 5000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatica (12 m/min)
- Changing Tools: 40 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Weight: 36 ton
- Notes: potenza totale 55 kW
- 2Notes: refrigerazione interna alta pressione
- 3notes: marcatura CE
| 141FRSmm | Fpt | Ronin M80 | - CNC: n°02 heidenhain 530
- head: birotativa millesimale (TUPCG5)
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: 360.000 x 0,001 su 2 assi
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- central spindle: BOX in BOX
- motor power: 46 Kw (1180 Nm)
- frontal Spindle: musetto di alesatura (SE4)
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO50
- frontal spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- fixed table: 9000 x 3000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1500 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 35 m/min
- Changing Tools: 100 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: installata 2007
- Notes: pickup teste automatico 3 posti
- 2Notes: tavola girevole CNC diam. 1200 mm
- 3notes: tastatore pezzo
- 4notes: ingombri 12.900 x 7500 x 4800 mm
| 142FRSmm | Fpt | Pragma M40 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530 (n°2 postazioni)
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: millesimale
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- fixed table: 5000 x 2000 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 30 m/min
- Changing Tools: 30 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: marcatura CE
- Notes: pick up automatico teste
- 2Notes: alta pressione 20 bar
| 143FRSmm | Mecof | M3 Agile | - CNC: SELCA 4045 PD
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: indexaggio 1°+ 3°
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- central spindle: struttura box in box
- motor power: 30 Kw
- upright longit.stroke: 10.000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Sliding type: rapidi 20 m/min
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- New In: 2001
- Notes: alta pressione interna 20 bar
- 2Notes: sezione RAM 450 x 450 mm
| 144FRSmm | Fpt | Pragma Su M30 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430 (doppio)
- head: automatica ortogonale
- connection: HSKA63
- head index angle: 1°+1°
- spindle speed: 18.000 rpm
- upright longit.stroke: 3000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 mm
- Changing Tools: 48 posti con pick up rotativo
- Control device: doppio
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2005 (praticamente mai installata)
- Notes: cambio teste automatico teste accessorie
- 2Notes: in opzione 2° testa birotativa millesimale ISO50
- 3notes: sezione RAM 530x450
| 145FRSmm | Mecof | Cs500-c Agile | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: birotativa millesimale
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: a posizionamento continuo
- spindle speed: 6000 rpm
- central spindle: sistema box in box
- motor power: 30 Kw
- fixed table: 5300x1090x900(h) mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1250 mm (sezione 450x450 mm)
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: guide lineari
- Changing Tools: 24 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Cubes and Squares: nr. 02 cubi 1520x1000x900(h) mm cad.
- New In: 2012
- Notes: refrigerazione interna 20 bar
- 2Notes: elettromandrino in dotazione
- 3notes: tav. girevole continua 1000x1000 mm por. 7 t -2016
| 146FRSmm | Mecof | Cs8 6000 | - displayed: .
- head: birotativa manuale
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 1440 rpm
- motor power: 10 HP
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO50
- fixed table: 6000 x 965 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4700 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1050 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 1600 mm
- Control device: .
- Weight: 15.000 Kg circa
| 147FRSmm | Sachman | Mp212 Hs | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- head: automatica birotativa (KOSMO 3)
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: bicentesimale
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- central spindle: sistema box in box con doppia vite
- motor power: 46 kW in S6
- fixed table: 10.000x1500 mm
- upright longit.stroke: 8000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1400 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2500 mm
- Sliding type: 30 m/min rapidi
- Changing Tools: 60 posti (verticale/orizzontale)
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: .
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2006
- Weight: 63.000 Kg
- Notes: potenza tot. 80 kW
- 2Notes: refrigerazione interna al mandrino
| 148FRSmm | Fpt | Sirio | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530 (doppia postazione)
- head: birotativa automatica (TUPCG-CSA)
- connection: ISO50
- head index angle: millesimale (0,001°+0,001°)
- spindle speed: 4000/5000 giri/min
- motor power: 28/35 Kw (1340 Nm)
- fixed table: 4500 x 1200 x 750 (h) mm
- upright longit.stroke: 4000 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1200 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Sliding type: idrostatico (15 m/min rapidi)
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Protections: altezza 3600 mm
- Safety protection: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- New In: 2003 (installata 2005)
- Notes: refrigerazione interna 20 bar + filtrazione
- 2Notes: tastatore HEIDENHAIN
| 149FRSmm | Utita | Tls8 | - CNC: ECS 4802 (seminuovo)
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 2000 rpm su 2 gamme automatiche
- motor power: 37 kW
- frontal Spindle: togliendo la testa
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO50
- fixed table: Nr. 04 piani
- upright longit.stroke: 8500 mm
- transv.stroke(slider): 1000 mm
- Vertical Stroke: 2000 mm
- Changing Tools: 60 posti
- Control device: .
- Electronic Hand Wheel: .
- Chip Conveyor: .
- Notes: tavola girevole 2000x2000mm corsa 1500mm (20 ton)
Code |
Brand |
Model |
Features |
| 005FRSt | Rambaudi | Ranmatic 1200 | - CNC: FIDIA CNC 11
- spindleStrokeForDrill: .
- table: 5200 X 1250 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 2550 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1200 mm
- vertical stroke: 915 mm
- control device: .
- notes: corsa trasversale 1350 mm
| 006FRSt | Rambaudi | Ranmatic 1400 | - CNC: FIDIA
- spindleStrokeForDrill: .
- table: 6180 X 1320 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 1000 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- control device: .
| 009FRSt | Parpas | Mt 100 | - CNC: FIDIA
- motor power: 30 kW
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- table: 3000 x 2000 mm, 40 ton, idrostatica, continua
- longitudinal stroke: 3500 mm (idrostatica/hydrostatic)
- slide transv. stroke: 1000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1250 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- changing tool: 40 posti a catena
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: 1997
| 010FRSt | Monti | Ft 30 | - CNC: SELCA 4045 PD (doppia postazione)
- head: orizzontale
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- head index angle: 30 kW
- table: girevole continua 2500 x 2500 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 4000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1500 mm
- vertical stroke: 2500 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 20000 mm/min
- changing tool: predisposizione
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: 2004
- notes: slitta con foratura prof. + 5°/-15° diam. 5-40 mm
- notes 2: sistema di filtraggio
| 011FRSt | Lazzati | Hb2 T | - CNC: SELCA 1200
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- head index angle: 1° + 1°
- table: girevole 1800 X 1300 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 950 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1200 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- changing tool: 30 posti
- control device: .
- weight: 17000 kg
- notes: potenza totale installata 45 kW
- notes 2: avanzamenti rapidi 10m/min.
| 012FRSt | Rambaudi | Rx 1000 - Vrm 157 | - CNC: FIDIA
- motor power: 22,8 Kw (1079 Nm)
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 2000 rpm
- head index angle: continuo (asse A), 181° (asse C)
- table: 3500 x 1000 mm (8000 kg)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 500 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1000 mm
- vertical stroke: 1700 mm (luce 1900 mm)
- control device: .
- notes: rapidi 8000 mm/min
| 013FRSt | Colgar | Program 200 Tr 12 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- motor power: 1700 Nm
- head: testa bimandrino automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm
- head index angle: 2,5°
- frontal spindle: . ISO 50 togliendo la testa
- table: girevole continua 2000x1600mm, 12 ton, idrostatica
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 800 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1500 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- sliding type: idrostatico (rapidi 15m/min)
- changing tool: 40 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- notes: refrigeraz.interna alta pressione
- notes 2: aggancio testa autom.
| 014FRSt | Deber | Dynamic 3t/tg | - CNC: SELCA 3045D
- motor power: 28 Kw (totale 50 Kw)
- head: automatica tipo TOB
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3000 rpm su 2 gamme automatiche
- table: girevole idrost. in continuo 1800x1800mm (20 ton)
- longitudinal stroke: 4000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 1000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1300 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- changing tool: 40 posizioni a catena
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- weight: 2001
- notes: 32 ton
| 015FRSt | Colgar | Program Tr | - CNC: NUM MILL
- head: automatica bimandrino
- connection: ISO 50 (doppio)
- head index angle: 2,5°
- table: girevole 2000 x 1800 mm, idrostatica (12 ton)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 1000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1000 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- sliding type: guide idrostatiche
- changing tool: 40 posti a catena
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: parziale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
| 016FRSt | Sachman | Trt 314 Gp | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530
- motor power: 28/43 Kw
- head: automatica tipo Cosmo
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- table: girevole 2000 x 1600 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- changing tool: 24 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: 2009
- weight: 30 ton.
| 017FRSt | Sachman | Trt 22 | - CNC: FIDIA
- motor power: 24 kw in S1
- head: birotativa automatica (kosmo 4000)
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- head index angle: 3° + 2,5°
- table: girevole 2000x1600 mm (10 ton.)
- longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide piane
- changing tool: 12 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: marcatura CE
- weight: 24.300 kg
| 018FRSt | Fpt | Lem T10 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3500 RPM
- head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- table: 3500 x 1300 mm (20 ton.)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 1200 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1000 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- control device: .
- new in: 1997
| 019FRSt | Fpt | Lem T15 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 430
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 4000 RPM
- head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- table: girevole 2500x2000 (25 ton.)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 1000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1500 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- changing tool: 40 posti
- control device: .
- new in: 1996
| 020FRSt | Fpt | Area | - CNC: FIDIA C20
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3500 RPM
- head index angle: 2,5°+2,5°
- frontal spindle: prolunga 400 mm
- frontal spindle connect.: ISO 50
- front.spindle speed: 3500 RPM
- table: girevole 2000 x 1750 mm (20 ton.)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 1000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1500 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- sliding type: idrostatica
- control device: .
- new in: marcatura CE
| 021FRSt | Fpt | Area - T | - CNC: NUM 760 (azionamenti e motori SIEMENS)
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 3000 RPM
- head index angle: 2,5° + 2,5°
- table: girevole 1500 x 1500 mm (15 ton.)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- slide transv. stroke: 1050 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1020 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 12 m/min
- control device: .
- chip conveyor: .
| 022FRSt | Sachman | Trt 314 Hs | - CNC: SELCA 4045D
- head: birotativa automatica KOSMO
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 1° asse posteriore 3 ° asse anteriore
- head index angle: 5000 RPM
- D.C. motors: 35 kw in S6 su 2 gamme automatiche
- table: girevole 2000 x 1600 mm (15 ton)
- longitudinal stroke: 2500
- upright transv.stroke: 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide lineari (20 mm/min)
- changing tool: 20 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: su 4 lati
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: 2006
- notes: elettromandrino flangiato 30.000 RPM 10 kw
| 023FRSt | Sachman | T22 | - CNC: SELCA 4045D
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 1°+3°
- head index angle: 5000 rpm
- D.C. motors: 28/24 kw
- table: 3200 x 1100 mm (portata 10 ton)
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1400 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 12 m/min
- changing tool: 20 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: 2000
- weight: 23 ton circa
- dimension: 7700 x 4800 x 4117 mm
- notes: potenza totale 48 kw
| 024FRSt | Sachman | T20 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 410
- motor power: 30 kw Siemens
- head: birotativa automatica
- connection: ISO 50
- spindle speed: 4000 rpm
- head index angle: 3 ° asse A / 2,5° asse C
- table: 3200 x 1100 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1200 (montante a T)
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: marcatura CE
- notes: refrigerazione interna
| 025FRSt | Sts | Avantgarde | - CNC: SELCA 4045 PD
- head: automatica continua
- connection: HSKA 100
- spindle speed: 8000 rpm
- head index angle: 0,001 + 0,001
- table: 3200 x 1200 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 2000 mm
- vertical stroke: 1500 mm
- sliding type: guide lineari (40 m/min)
- changing tool: 24 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: .
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: .
- new in: 2007
- notes: montante tipo a T
| 026FRSt | Oerlikon | Mc2 | - CNC: secondo esigenze
- head: automatica
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 3000 giri/min
- head index angle: verticale/orizzontale
- table: girevole 1250 x 1250 mm
- longitudinal stroke: 2500 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1200 mm
- vertical stroke: 1200 mm
- changing tool: 60 posti
- control device: .
- chip conveyor: .
- notes: motori e azionamenti SIEMENS
- notes 2: righe ottiche HEIDENHAIN
| 027FRSt | Sachman/jobs | Trt 314 | - CNC: HEIDENHAIN 530 HSCI
- motor power: 35 Kw in S6
- head: birotativa automatica (KOSMO3)
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- head index angle: bicentesimale
- table: girevole 2000 x 2000 mm, 20 ton
- longitudinal stroke: 3000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1600 mm
- vertical stroke: 2000 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 20 m/min
- changing tool: 40 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: n°03
- new in: 2014
- notes: refrigerazione interna15 bar
- notes 2: capacità di rotazione (swing) 3000 mm
- notes 3: presetting a bordo tavola
| 028FRSt | Parpas | Ths X | - CNC: SELCA 4060 D
- motor power: 30 Kw
- head: automatica mod. TU600
- connection: ISO50
- spindle speed: 5000 rpm
- head index angle: asse C continuo, asse A indexato
- table: girevole 1250x1000 mm (5 ton)
- longitudinal stroke: 2000 mm
- upright transv.stroke: 1250 mm
- vertical stroke: 1250 mm
- sliding type: rapidi 24 m/min
- changing tool: 32 posti
- control device: .
- ElectronicHandWheel: .
- Protections: integrale
- safety protection: .
- chip conveyor: nr. 03
- new in: 2003